If you have been diagnosed with shingles, then you are probably wondering what treatments are available for your particular condition. There is a variety of reasons that people suffer from shingles. In most cases, the symptoms will start to occur a week or two after exposure to the virus. You will generally experience pain and itching, burning, and a rash that appears on one side of your body. Shingles is the medical term for herpes zoster.
This painful infection is usually caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is present in most children. It is not life threatening, but it can be painful and cause complications such as nerve damage and paralysis. The virus is contagious, so you should avoid direct contact with other people. If you are using a treatment to alleviate symptoms, then you should be vigilant about the type of treatment and any delays in treatment could lead to complications.
Shingles can be diagnosed by a blood test called the Varicella Zoster Test or VZT. You may be advised to take an antiviral medication to treat the symptoms if you have had previous outbreaks. Since shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, you should also take medications to prevent chicken pox from coming back. These medications are prescribed by your doctor and are usually taken to prevent re-occurrences.
There are many ways to alleviate the discomfort brought about by shingles. Most shingles treatment focus on relieving pain and reducing symptoms. Many creams, ointments and lotions contain ingredients that are designed to provide pain relief and control irritation. Some people use over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines or decongestants to help ease the discomfort caused by shingles. Some people do not want to use medications and would rather try home remedies or alternative forms of shingles treatment.
Why should you treat shingles? If you experience the same painful symptoms that are common with shingles outbreaks, then the answer is probably yes. The reason is because the best way to treat shingles is to prevent it from reoccurring. The most effective way to avoid re-infestation is through prevention. If you take preventive measures you are essentially treating shingles before it develops and trying to keep it from coming back.
Why should you treat shingles if the outbreaks are already gone? Treating shingles when they are still visible can prevent future re-infestation. Once the symptoms of shingles have disappeared, you have the opportunity to look at shingles treatment options such as prescription drugs, over the counter treatments, natural remedies or other natural remedies. You may not know which method is right for you. If you take the time to talk to your doctor and research shingles and its causes, you can make an informed decision on the best treatment method for you.
Why should you treat shingles if you are already infected with chicken pox or other diseases? If you already have a disease that has caused shingles, you may become more susceptible to shingles. This is especially true if the chicken pox was in your family. While most people develop chicken pox after contracting the disease, some develop shingles after contracting chicken pox.
Why should you treat shingles if you are pregnant or expect to become pregnant? Shingles can be a serious complication of pregnancy for some women. If you are pregnant, you may develop an adverse reaction to one or all of the drugs used to treat shingles. If you are expecting to become pregnant, discuss shingles treatment with your doctor. The possible benefits of treating shingles during pregnancy far outweigh the risks.